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Feature Matrix


The Datil-test and Datil-dev testnets are now live and are superseding the Manzano and Cayenne testnet respectively.

Check out the migration docs to learn how you can start building on the Datil networks today.

Shown below is a matrix illustrating which features are available with each SDK version.

V1 refers to the deprecated lit-js-sdk

V2 refers to 2.x.x versions of js-sdk

V3 refers to 3.x.x versions of js-sdk

V4 refers to 4.x.x versions of js-sdk

FeatureV1V2V3 / V4
jalapeno network
serrano network
cayenne network
ACC-based Encryption
ACC-based JWT signing
Updateable ACC
Programmable Key Pairs
Lit Actions
Wallet Signatures
Session Signatures

ACC stands for Access Control Condition.


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