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Session Signatures


SessionSigs are only available on Ethereum and are heavily in development, so things may change. Be sure to use the latest version of the Lit JS SDK.

We refer to a session signature obtained from the user via session keys as a SessionSig.

SessionSigs are produced by a ed25519 keypair that is generated randomly on the browser and stored in local storage. The first step to producing SessionSigs is to first obtain an AuthSig through an authentication method like Google OAuth (example here). By specifying the session keypair's public key in the signature payload of the AuthSig - the uri field of the SIWE - users can choose which specific actions to delegate to the session keypair for operating upon certain resources.

The session keypair is used to sign all requests to the Lit Nodes, and the user's AuthSig is sent along with the request, attached as a "capability" to the session signature. Each node in the Lit Network receives a unique signature for each request, and can verify that the user owns the wallet address that signed the capability.

Capability Objects

Session signatures work by having scoped capabilities be granted to session keys by an inner AuthSig. The capability object is a SIWE ReCap object.

Read more here on the session capability objects that we use.

Format of SessionSigs

Given the following example AuthSig:

"sig": "0xef8f88fb285f006594637257034226923e3bbf7c6c69f8863be213e50a1c1d7f18124eefdc595b4f50a0e242e8e132c5078dc3c52bda55376ba314e08da862e21a",
"derivedVia": "web3.eth.personal.sign",
"signedMessage": "localhost:3000 wants you to sign in with your Ethereum account:

URI: lit:session:6a1f1e8a00b61867b85eaf329d6fdf855220ac3e32f44ec13e4db0dd303dea6a
Version: 1
Chain ID: 1
Nonce: 0xfe88c94d860f01a17f961bf4bdfb6e0c6cd10d3fda5cc861e805ca1240c58553
Issued At: 2022-10-30T08:25:33.371Z
Expiration Time: 2022-11-06T08:25:33.348Z
- urn:recap:eyJkZWYiOlsibGl0U2lnbmluZ0NvbmRpdGlvbiJdLCJ0YXIiOnsicmVzb3VyY2VJZCI6WyJsaXRFbmNyeXB0aW9uQ29uZGl0aW9uIl19fQ==",

Here is an example SessionSig that uses a session keypair to sign the AuthSig above:

"sig": "0196a7e5b8271e287fc376af3ae35955cac1009149b9b9eab4c5f8c845ca20658f937a42b7c03a8884573b801de1c36f9fa8a6d2f3ba432dc4326443c114c40c",
"derivedVia": "litSessionSignViaNacl",
"signedMessage": '{
"sessionKey": "6a1f1e8a00b61867b85eaf329d6fdf855220ac3e32f44ec13e4db0dd303dea6a",
"resourceAbilityRequest": [
"resource": "lit-accesscontrolcondition://524a697a410a417fb95a9f52d57cba5fa7c87b3acd3b408cf14560fa52691251",
"ability": "access-control-condition-decryption"
"capabilities": [{
"sig": "0xef8f88fb285c0065946f7257034226923e3bbf7c6c69f8863be213e50a1c1d7f18124eefdc595b4f50a0e242e8e132c5078dc3c52bda55376ba314e08da862e21a",
"derivedVia": "web3.eth.personal.sign",
"signedMessage": "localhost:3000 wants you to sign in with your Ethereum account:

URI: lit:session:6a1f1e8a00b61867b85eaf329d6fdf855220ac3e32f44ec13e4db0dd303dea6a
Version: 1
Chain ID: 1
Nonce: 0xfe88c94d860f01a17f961bf4bdfb6e0c6cd10d3fda5cc861e805ca1240c58553
Issued At: 2022-10-30T08:25:33.371Z
Expiration Time: 2022-11-06T08:25:33.348Z
- urn:recap:eyJhdHQiOnsibGl0LWFjY2Vzc2NvbnRyb2xjb25kaXRpb246Ly81MjRhNjk3YTQxMGE0MTdmYjk1YTlmNTJkNTdjYmE1ZmE3Yzg3YjNhY2QzYjQwOGNmMTQ1NjBmYTUyNjkxMjUxIjp7IiovKiI6W3t9XX19LCJwcmYiOltdfQo=",
"issuedAt": "2022-10-30T08:27:01.667Z",
"expiration": "2022-10-30T08:32:01.667Z",
"nodeAddress": ""
"address": "6a1f1e8a00b61867b85eaf329d6fdf855220ac3e32f44ec13e4db0dd303dea6a",
"algo": "ed25519"

Here is what each field means:

  • sig is the signature produced by the ed25519 keypair signing the signedMessage payload
  • derivedVia should be litSessionSignViaNacl and specifies that the SessionSig object was created via the NaCl library.
  • signedMessage is the payload that was signed by the session keypair.
  • address is the session keypair public key.
  • algo is the signing algorithm used to generate the session signature.

Signed Message

Here is what each field in signedMessage means:

  • sessionKey is the session keypair public key.
  • resourceAbilityRequests is a lit of abilities that the session key is requesting to perform against the specified Lit resources during authentication. Read more here about Lit Resources and Abilities.
  • capabilities is an array of one or more AuthSigs.
  • issuedAt is the time the SessionSig was issued.
  • expiration is the time the SessionSig becomes invalid.
  • nodeAddress is the specific URL the SessionSig is meant for.


The capabilities field is an array of one or more signatures. These capabilities authorize this AuthSig address to utilize the resources specified in the capabilities SIWE messages. These signatures would have the address from the top level AuthSig in their URI field. For example, notice the following in the AuthSig above:

URI: lit:session:6a1f1e8a00b61867b85eaf329d6fdf855220ac3e32f44ec13e4db0dd303dea6a

Node Address

The nodeAddress will be different for each node, which means that, for a 30-node network, the SDK will generate 30 different sig and signedMessage parameters.


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