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Paying for Usage of Lit

Like other decentralized networks, Lit has a certain amount of computation available for users that's metered to allow for a responsive network with nodes that are able to stay in-sync with one another.

When using the Lit networks - whether it's the decentralized testnet (Datil-test) or the production-ready mainnet beta (Datil) - you need to pay for and reserve your usage. This is accomplished using Capacity Credits.

To streamline the payment process and facilitate integration into your apps, Lit offers two tools: the Lit Relayer and the Payment Delegation Database. These tools allow you to seamlessly incorporate Lit functionality without burdening your users with the need to acquire Lit test tokens or mint Capacity Credits on their own.

Payment Methods

Lit Test Token

Currently the testLPX test token is the native currency for the Lit Chronicle Yellowstone rollup blockchain. It's currently used to pay for the gas of on-chain transactions, as well as for minting PKPs and Capacity Credits.

To obtain the tstLPX test token, please use the faucet. The tstLPX test token will be sent to your wallet address, allowing you to perform transactions on the rollup.

Capacity Credits

Capacity Credits are NFT tokens that represent reserved computational capacity on the Lit network. When minting a credit, you specify and pay to reserve a specific amount of requests per second over a period of time. You'll then use these credits when making requests to the Lit network to perform actions such as decryption, executing Lit Actions, and signing transactions using PKPs and Wrapped Keys.

For a deep dive into Capacity Credits, including minting and usage details, checkout the in-depth documentation.

Tools to Simplify Payment

Lit Relayer

The Lit Relayer is an open-source service currently hosted by Lit to facilitate onboarding into the Lit ecosystem. It helps reduce initial costs by covering or subsidizing certain interactions with the Lit network, such as minting PKPs.

While the Relayer eases the onboarding process, it's important to note that its availability is not guaranteed. Users may experience rate limiting and/or congestion due to its shared nature.

As your application moves into production, we recommend implementing this functionality directly into your own application instead of using the Lit Relayer. This will ensure that you can use the Lit network with minimal friction and disruptions in service, as your direct implementation will be much more reliable and scalable.

For a deep dive into the Relayer, including its usage and offered services, checkout the in-depth documentation.

Payment Delegation Database

The Payment Delegation Database is a service provided by the Lit Relayer that streamlines payment management for your users. This service offers an alternative to relying on the Lit Relayer's payment subsidies or minting individual Capacity Credits for each of your users. With the Payment Delegation Database, you can establish a Payer Wallet and designate your users as Payees.

The Payer Wallet acts as a central account that manages payment for Lit network usage on behalf of your users (Payees). Payees inherit the reserved capacity of the Payer Wallet, which automatically receives a minted capacity credit when registered with the service.

For a deep dive into the Payment Delegation Database, including how to register a Payer Wallet and add users as Payees, checkout the in-depth documentation.

Choosing the Right Payment Method

The Lit network offers various ways to implement payment for usage of the network, accommodating different use cases and application scales. Consider the following guidelines when selecting the most appropriate option for your needs:

For New Developers and Initial Testing:

  • Start with the Lit Relayer managing Capacity Credits on your behalf.
  • This option reduces onboarding friction by subsidizing some network interactions.
  • It's ideal for prototyping and early development stages.
  • Note: The Relayer may be subject to availability and potential rate limiting.

For Growing Applications:

  • As your application grows, transition to managing Capacity Credits yourself.
  • This provides more reliable resource allocation and greater control.
  • Note: This can become difficult to manage when you have a large user base.

For Large-Scale Applications:

  • Consider using the Payment Delegation Database to manage delegation of a Capacity Credit to your users.
  • This option greatly reduces the overhead of managing several credits for each of your users.
  • It's ideal for applications with a large user base or those requiring sophisticated payment management.

Remember, any combination of the above methods can work together or be used independently, depending on your specific use case and development stage. As your application evolves, you can adjust your payment strategy to best suit your needs and those of your users.

Overview of What Requires Payment

General Lit Network Usage

Request TypeRequires PaymentCan Be Paid for Using the Lit RelayerPayment Type
Connecting to a Lit Networkn/an/a
Generating Session Signaturesn/an/a
Reading Data from Lit Contractsn/an/a
Lit Action ExecutionCapacity Credits
Setting Up a Payment Delegation PayerLit Test Tokens
Adding / Removing Payment Delegation PayeesLit Test Tokens

Capacity Credits

Request TypeRequires PaymentCan Be Paid for Using the Lit RelayerPayment Type
Minting a CreditLit Test Tokens
Delegating a Creditn/an/a

PKP Usage

Request TypeRequires PaymentCan Be Paid for Using the Lit RelayerPayment Type
Minting a PKPLit Test Tokens
Adding / Removing PKP Auth MethodsLit Test Tokens
Signing with a PKPCapacity Credits

Encrypting Data

Request TypeRequires PaymentCan Be Paid for Using the Lit RelayerPayment Type
Encrypting Datan/an/a
Decrypting DataCapacity Credits

Wrapped Keys Usage

Request TypeRequires PaymentCan Be Paid for Using the Lit RelayerPayment Type
Generating a Wrapped KeyLit Test Tokens
Importing Wrapped Keyn/an/a
Exporting Wrapped KeyCapacity Credits
Getting Wrapped Key MetadataCapacity Credits
Storing Wrapped Key Metadatan/an/a
Listing Wrapped Keys for a PKPn/an/a
Signing a Message with Wrapped KeyCapacity Credits
Signing a transaction with Wrapped KeyCapacity Credits
Custom Wrapped KeysLit Test Tokens and Capacity Credits

Getting Started

To begin using the paid Lit networks:

  1. Assess your needs: Consider your expected usage, scale of operations, and whether you'll be managing payments for multiple users.
  2. Choose a payment method:
    • For testing and prototyping, start with the Lit Relayer managing Capacity Credits.
    • For individual or small-scale use, consider managing Capacity Credits yourself.
    • For applications with many users, look into the Payment Delegation Database.
  3. Set up your chosen method:
    • For the Lit Relayer, go here to begin integrating it into your application.
    • For Capacity Credits, go here to learn how to mint and use them.
    • For the Payment Delegation Database, go here to learn how to register a Payer Wallet and add your users as Payees.
  4. Monitor your usage and adjust as needed.