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Lit mainnets are designed for late-stage development and production deployment. If you are storing assets with real world value, it should be done on the mainnets and not the testnets. While mainnets may be deprecated in the future, assets will be transferable to new networks.

Here is an overview of the Lit mainnets:

NameLit BlockchainDescriptionMinimum Lit SDK VersionLit SDK Network IdentifierRequires Payment
DatilChronicle YellowstoneDecentralized mainnet designed for production deployment. Guaranteed real world asset transferability to new mainnets. Payment is enforced.^6.4.0datil


The Lit network, Datil, utilizes the Lit blockchain: Chronicle Yellowstone. It's a decentralized mainnet designed for production deployment, and is superseding the Habanero mainnet. Like Habanero, usage of the network does require payment using Capacity Credits.

If your application is currently deployed to a v0 Lit network (Cayenne, Manzano, and/or Habanero) please refer to this guide to learn how to migrate to the new Datil networks.

Network Status

To check the status of each service provided by the Datil network, please reference the Datil status page:

SDK Usage

The minimum version of the Lit SDK that supports datil is 6.4.0, and the latest SDK version will be installed from NPM by default:

npm install @lit-protocol/lit-node-client

There were no breaking changes to the API for v6 of the Lit SDK, so the code you were using for Habanero should work without issue on Datil. If you do run into issues after migrating to Datil, please reach out to us on our Telegram for support.

To connect to Datil, please follow the Connecting to a Lit Network guide using datil for the litNetwork property when instantiating an instance of the LitNodeClient.