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Alchemy Account Kit

Learn how Lit Programmable Key Pairs can be a signer for Alchemy's Account Kit!


At completion of this reading you should be able to:

  • Describe use cases for Account Kit.
  • Understand how to set Lit as a signer to an Account Kit.

What is Account Kit?

Alchemy's Account Kit is a complete toolkit to embed smart accounts in your app with social login, gas abstraction, batch transactions, and more.

Lit Protocol's AA signer is a complete solution for powering AA with a Lit signer.

Powered by account abstraction (ERC-4337), Account Kit provides all the tools you need to onboard users with zero friction:

-aa-sdk: a flexible library to integrate, deploy, and use smart accounts

-Light Account: a gas-optimized ERC-4337 smart contract account

-Signers: integrations with your favorite social login and passkey providers

-Gas Manager APIs: a programmable API to sponsor gas fees in your app‍

-Bundler APIs: the most reliable Bundler to submit UserOps onchain at scale

With Account Kit, you can create a smart account for every user. Smart accounts are smart contract wallets that leverage account abstraction to radically simplify every step of the onboarding experience. Now, a new user can:

  • Create a smart account directly in an Account Kit powered app without third-party - downloads
  • Sign up with an email, social login, passkey, or self-custodial wallet
  • Submit transactions without needing ETH in their account for gas
  • Submit transactions in the background without leaving your app


Combining Lit PKP wallet with Account Kit allows you to use your Programmable Key Pairs (PKPs) as a smart account for your users.


  • Familiarity with JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • Understand the basics of account abstraction.

1. Setup

Install the pkp ethers package:

npm i @lit-protocol/pkp-ethers

Install the LitNodeClient package:

npm i @lit-protocol/lit-node-client
npm i @lit-protocol/crypto
npm i @lit-protocol/auth-helpers

Install the Alchemy AA signer package:

npm i @alchemy/aa-signers

2. Get A Programmable Key Pair (PKP)

Get some tstLPX test tokens from Lit's Chronicle Yellowstone network.

To obtain a PKP, read more within the Lit docs.

To define an Auth Method read about Lit's authentication methods.

For Authentication

3. Create a SmartAccountAuthenticator

Next, setup the LitSigner

import { LitSigner } from "@alchemy/aa-signers";
import { LitAuthMethod } from "@alchemy/aa-signers/lit-protocol";
import { createWalletClient, custom } from "viem";
import { polygonMumbai } from "viem/chains";

const POLYGON_MUMBAI_RPC_URL = `${polygonMumbai.rpcUrls.alchemy.http[0]}/${API_KEY}`;

const litSigner = new LitSigner<LitAuthMethod>({
pkpPublicKey: PKP_PUBLIC_KEY,
network: "datil-dev"

You may pass your own instance of LitNodeClient to LitSigner as inner if not an instance will be created.

4. Use SmartAccountSigner with LightAccount

We can link the SmartAccountSigner to a LightSmartContractAccount from aa-accounts:

import { AlchemyProvider } from "@alchemy/aa-alchemy";
import {
} from "@alchemy/aa-accounts";
import { polygonMumbai } from "viem/chains";
import { createLitSigner } from "./lit";
const chain = polygonMumbai;

const provider = new AlchemyProvider({
(rpcClient) =>
new LightSmartContractAccount({
owner: litSigner,
factoryAddress: getDefaultLightAccountFactoryAddress(chain),

5. Authenticating with the Lit Signer

Before the AlchemyProvider can use the LitSigner we must authenticate

To provide authentication context read about Lit's authentication methods.

context: "<your auth method or session signatures>"

Next Steps

Explore Lit Alchemy AA signer documentation.


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