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Broadcast and Collect Within an Action


The broadcastAndCollect function let's you run an operation on every node in the Lit network, collect their responses, and aggregate them into a single data set. This is useful if you'd like to perform additional operations over their responses, such as calculating a median or average.

When you call this function, the responses from each node will be grouped together before being returned back to each node for further processing.

Broadcasting and Collecting a fetch response

The following Lit Action uses broadcastAndCollect to fetch the forecast using the API before combining the responses from each Lit node into a single array.

const code = `(async () => {
const url = ",80/forecast";
const resp = await fetch(url).then((response) => response.json());
const temp =[0].temperature;

const temperatures = await Lit.Actions.broadcastAndCollect({
name: "temperature",
value: temp,

// at this point, temperatures is an array of all the values that all the nodes got
const median = temperatures.sort()[Math.floor(temperatures.length / 2)];
Lit.Actions.setResponse({response: median});

const client = new LitNodeClient({
litNetwork: "datil-dev",
await client.connect();
const res = await client.executeJs({
sessionSigs: {} // your session
jsParams: {
publicKey: "<your pkp public key>",
sigName: 'fooSig',

console.log("response from broadcast and collecting within a lit action: ", res);