Stytch OTP / TOTP
Email and SMS authentication provides users with a convenient way to verify their identity using one-time passwords (OTP) sent to their registered email address or phone number.
We have chosen (Stytch)[] as our OTP Authentication provider. Once you have setup your Stytch project you can use it via project meta data in our lit-auth-client
The lit-auth-client
requires a user session to be established in order to authenticate the session as this is the only way to obtain a session_jwt
which our sdk requires.
See Stytch documentation for more information.
We support all otp
and totp
authentication implementations stytch supports through the StytchOtpProvider
this will use the sub
property of the session token from our Stytch authnetication session as the user id
to form the auth method identifier
which is registered to the pkp for permitting the authentication method.
- sms
- TOTP (authenticator apps)
Obtain A Stytch session
import * as stytch from "stytch";
const client = new stytch.Client({
project_id: STYTCH_PROJECT_ID,
const emailResponse = await prompts({
type: "text",
name: "email",
message: "Enter your email address",
const stytchResponse = await{
const otpResponse = await prompts({
type: "text",
name: "code",
message: "Enter the code sent to your email:",
const authResponse = await client.otps.authenticate({
method_id: stytchResponse.email_id,
code: otpResponse.code,
session_duration_minutes: 60 * 24 * 7,
let sessionResp = await client.sessions.get({
user_id: authResponse.user_id,
// the sessionStatus contains the relevant session token
const sessionStatus = await client.sessions.authenticate({
session_token: authResponse.session_token,
Use an Authenticated Stytch Session with the LitRelay
import { LIT_NETWORK } from "@lit-protocol/constants";
import { StytchOtpProvider } from "@lit-protocol/providers";
import { LitRelay } from "@lit-protocol/lit-auth-client";
const litRelay = new LitRelay({
relayUrl: LitRelay.getRelayUrl(LIT_NETWORK.DatilDev),
relayApiKey: 'test-api-key',
const session = new StytchOtpProvider({ relay: litRelay, litNodeClient, options: {
userId: sessionStatus.session.user_id,
// from the above example of using the Stytch client to get an authenticated session
const authMethod = await session.authenticate({
accessToken: sessionStatus.session_jwt,
Using Specific Stytch Authentication Factors
We also support specific Stytch authentication factors
which are the same as using the default StytchOtp
provider type, however, instead of using the user identifier
Stytch assigns to each user.
The user id
will be the Authentication Factor
transport. Meaning for example of sms otp was the authentication factor, then the phone number of the user will be the user id
below is a table of what each auth factor
will use as the user id
PROVIDER_TYPE | user identifier value |
StytchEmailFactorOtp | email address |
StytchSmsFactorOtp | phone number |
StytchWhatsAppFactorOtp | phone number |
StytchTotpFactor | totp id |
There are two main benefits to using an auth factor
over the generic Stytch OTP provider type.
- Admins of the stytch project cannot modify the user's authentication on their side.
- If being used through Claiming, the pkp public key can be dervied without users authenticating beforehand.
Using a specific authentication factor means that each user authentication factor is a new user to the Lit Nodes. Meaning if a user has two different auth factors, they are two different authentication methods.
Stytch Auth Method Provider Types
Name | type |
StytchOtp | 9 |
StytchEmailFactorOtp | 10 |
StytchSmsFactorOtp | 11 |
StytchWhatsAppFactorOtp | 12 |
StytchTotpFactorOtp | 13 |
Minting via Contract
An alternative to minting the PKP NFT via the Lit Relay Server is to send a transaction to the smart contract yourself. You can reference the following example data that is passed to the mintNextAndAddAuthMethods
method of the PKPHelper
smart contract:
is[9 - 13]
depending on the type of Stytch authentication usedpermittedAuthMethodIds
is an array with 1 element being the user's email or phone number.permittedAuthMethodScopes
is an array with 1 zero-initialized element, e.g.[[ethers.BigNumber.from("0")]]
Authenticating to Fetch PKP information
import { AUTH_METHOD_SCOPE } from "@lit-protocol/constants";
// Using the session examples above you can call to fetch pkps by the auth method gotten from the provider examples
const txHash = await session.fetchPKPThroughRelayer(authMethod, {
permittedAuthMethodScopes: [[AUTH_METHOD_SCOPE.SignAnything]]
The Lit Relay Server enables you to mint PKPs without worrying about gas fees. You can also use your own relay server or mint PKPs directly using Lit's contracts.
If you are using Lit Relay Server, you will need to request an API key here.
If the user is using a phone number, the country code must be provided.
Below is an example of an authentication method from successful authentication
"authMethodType": 9
Generating SessionSigs
After successfully authenticating with a social login provider, you can generate SessionSigs
using the provider's getSessionSigs
method. The getSessionSigs
method takes in an AuthMethod
object, optional LitNodeClient
object, a PKP public key, and other session-specific arguments in SessionSigsParams
object such as resourceAbilityRequests
and chain
. View the API Docs.
import { LIT_ABILITY } from "@lit-protocol/constants";
// Get session signatures for the given PKP public key and auth method
const sessionSigs = await provider.getSessionSigs({
authMethod: '<AuthMethod object returned from authenticate()>',
pkpPublicKey: '<YOUR PKP PUBLIC KEY>'
sessionSigsParams: {
chain: 'ethereum',
resourceAbilityRequests: [{
resource: litResource,
ability: LIT_ABILITY.AccessControlConditionDecryption
Generating Session Signatures using the LitNodeClient
Initalize an instance of the LitNodeClient
and connect to the network
const litNodeClient: LitNodeClientNodeJs = new LitNodeClientNodeJs({
litNetwork: "datil-dev",
debug: true,
await litNodeClient.connect();
Request a specified pkp to sign a session signature, authenticating with an Auth Method
for a given PKP
The session.fetchPKPThroughRelayer
method above can be used to query PKP public keys associated with a given auth method. You can also use the contracts-sdk
to query PKP information by Authentication Method.
import { LIT_ABILITY } from "@lit-protocol/constants";
// The implementation below is wrapped by the above `provider.getSessionSigs`
const authNeededCallback = async (params: AuthCallbackParams) => {
console.log("params", params);
const response = await litNodeClient.signSessionKey({
sessionKey: sessionKeyPair,
statement: params.statement,
authMethods: [authMethod], // auth method from one of the `lit-auth-client` authentication providers
pkpPublicKey: "<YOUR PKP PUBLIC KEY>", // pkp which has the auth method configured for authentication above
expiration: params.expiration,
resources: params.resources,
chainId: 1,
console.log("callback response", response);
return response.authSig;
const resourceAbilities = [
resource: new LitPkpResource("*"),
ability: LIT_ABILITY.PKPSigning,
const sessionSigs = await litNodeClient
chain: "ethereum",
expiration: new Date( + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7).toISOString(),
resourceAbilityRequests: resourceAbilities,
sessionKey: sessionKeyPair,
.catch((err) => {
console.log("error while attempting to access session signatures: ", err);
throw err;
console.log("session signatures: ", sessionSigs);
const authSig = sessionSigs[Object.keys(sessionSigs)[0]];
console.log("authSig", authSig);
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