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Mint via WebAuthn

You can mint a PKP by presenting a valid WebAuthn credential generated by your browser to the Lit Relay server.

We have a frontend that helps with this process at

We currently support both username-based and username-less WebAuthn registration, and usernames are purely used for your convenience / reference on the client-side.

Technical Details

Contract Specifics

  • The authMethodId is derived from the credential's rawId parameter.
  • The authMethodPubkey is the COSE credential public key. We currently only support Elliptic Curve COSE Key Type IDs.

Relying Parties and Supported Origins

In order to allow for various frontends to integrate with our platform, we plan to support any domain to act as a Relying Party in the long run. However, we are in the process of slowly rolling out this authentication method currently maintain an allowlist of origins / domains that can integrate with the Lit network.

Challenge-Free Registration

We do not currently use challenges as part of our PKP minting / WebAuthn registration process and only use it for the PKP / WebAuthn authentication step.


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