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Signing a Message

This guide covers the signMessageWithEncryptedKey function from the Wrapped Keys SDK. For an overview of what a Wrapped Key is and what can be done with it, please go here.

Using the signMessageWithEncryptedKey function, you can sign an arbitrary message using a Wrapped Key. The Wrapped Keys SDK will look up the corresponding encryption metadata (ciphertext and dataToEncryptHash) for your PKP in Lit's private DynamoDB instance. If found, it well then use your provided PKP Session Signatures to authorize decryption of the private key, and will sign your provided message, returning the signed message.

Below we will walk through an implementation of signMessageWithEncryptedKey. The full code implementation can be found here.

Overview of How it Works

  1. The Wrapped Keys SDK will use the provided Wrapped Key ID and PKP Session Signatures to fetch the encryption metadata for a specific Wrapped Key
  2. Using the PKP Session Signatures, the SDK will make a request to the Lit network to execute the Sign Message Lit Action
  3. The Lit Action will check the Access Control Conditions the plaintext private key was encrypted with to verify the PKP is authorized to decrypt the private key
  4. If authorized, the Wrapped Key will be decrypted within a Lit node's TEE. If not authorized, an error will be returned
  5. The Lit Action will use the decrypted Wrapped Key and the provided SignMessageWithEncryptedKeyParams to sign the arbitrary message, returning the signed message


Before continuing with this guide, you should have an understanding of:

signMessageWithEncryptedKey's Interface

Source code

* Signs a message inside the Lit Action using the previously persisted wrapped key associated with the current LIT PK.
* This method fetches the encrypted key from the wrapped keys service, then executes a Lit Action that decrypts the key inside the LIT action and uses
* the decrypted key to sign the provided transaction
async function signMessageWithEncryptedKey(
params: {
pkpSessionSigs: SessionSigsMap;
litNodeClient: ILitNodeClient;
network: 'evm' | 'solana';
id: string;
messageToSign: string | Uint8Array;
): Promise<string>



When a Wrapped Key is generated, it's encrypted with the following Access Control Conditions:

contractAddress: '',
standardContractType: '',
method: '',
parameters: [':userAddress'],
returnValueTest: {
comparator: '=',
value: pkpAddress,

where pkpAddress is the addressed derived from the pkpSessionSigs. This restricts the decryption of the Wrapped Key to only those whom can generate valid Authentication Signatures from the PKP which generated the Wrapped Key.

A valid pkpSessionSigs object can be obtained using the getPkpSessionSigs helper method available on an instance of LitNodeClient. We dive deeper into obtaining a pkpSessionSigs using getPkpSessionSigs in the Generating PKP Session Signatures section of this guide.


This is an instance of the LitNodeClient that is connected to a Lit network.


This parameter dictates what message signing Lit Action is used to sign messageToSign. It must be one of the supported Wrapped Keys Networks which currently consists of:


This is a unique identifier (UUID v4) generated by Lit for the Wrapped Key.

Because a PKP can have multiple Wrapped Keys attached to it, this ID is used to identify which Wrapped Key to use when calling other Wrapped Key methods such as signMessageWithEncryptedKey and signTransactionWithEncryptedKey.


This parameter is the message, provided as either a string or a Uint8Array, that you would like the Wrapped Key to sign.

Return Value

signMessageWithEncryptedKey will return the signature as Promise<string> after it successfully decrypts and signs the provided messageToSign using the Wrapped Key associated with the PKP derived from pkpSessionSigs.

Example Implementation

Now that we know what the signMessageWithEncryptedKey function does, it's parameters, and it's return values, let's now dig into a complete implementation.

The full code implementation can be found here.

Installing the Required Dependencies

npm install \
@lit-protocol/auth-helpers \
@lit-protocol/constants \
@lit-protocol/lit-auth-client \
@lit-protocol/lit-node-client \
@lit-protocol/wrapped-keys \

Instantiating an Ethers Signer

The ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable is required. The corresponding Ethereum address needs to have ownership of the PKP we will be using to generate the pkpSessionSigs.

import * as ethers from 'ethers';
import { LIT_RPC } from "@lit-protocol/constants";

const ethersSigner = new ethers.Wallet(
new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(LIT_RPC.CHRONICLE_YELLOWSTONE)

Instantiating a LitNodeClient

Here we are instantiating an instance of LitNodeClient and connecting it to the datil-dev Lit network.

import { LitNodeClient } from "@lit-protocol/lit-node-client";
import { LIT_NETWORK } from "@lit-protocol/constants";

const litNodeClient = new LitNodeClient({
litNetwork: LIT_NETWORK.DatilDev,
debug: false,
await litNodeClient.connect();

Generating PKP Session Signatures

The LIT_PKP_PUBLIC_KEY environment variable is required. This PKP should be owned by the corresponding Ethereum address for the ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

The PKP's Ethereum address will be used for the Access Control Conditions used to encrypt the generated private key, and by default, will be the only entity able to authorize decryption of the private key.


The expiration used for the Auth Method must be 10 minutes or less to be valid.


The Auth Method used in this example implementation is signing a Sign in With Ethereum (EIP-4361) message using an Externally Owned Account (EOA), but any Auth Method can be used to authenticate with Lit to get PKP Session Signatures.

import { EthWalletProvider } from "@lit-protocol/lit-auth-client";
import { LIT_ABILITY } from "@lit-protocol/constants";
import {
} from "@lit-protocol/auth-helpers";

const pkpSessionSigs = await litNodeClient.getPkpSessionSigs({
pkpPublicKey: process.env.LIT_PKP_PUBLIC_KEY,
authMethods: [
await EthWalletProvider.authenticate({
signer: ethersSigner,
expiration: new Date( + 1000 * 60 * 10).toISOString(), // 10 minutes
resourceAbilityRequests: [
resource: new LitActionResource("*"),
ability: LIT_ABILITY.LitActionExecution,
expiration: new Date( + 1000 * 60 * 10).toISOString(), // 10 minutes

Signing a Message With A Wrapped Key

Now that we have all that we need, we can call signMessageWithEncryptedKey to sign a message with a Wrapped Key:

import { api } from "@lit-protocol/wrapped-keys";

const { importPrivateKey } = api;

const signature = await signMessageWithEncryptedKey({
network: 'evm',
id: process.env.WRAPPED_KEY_ID,
messageToSign: "The answer to the Universe is 42.",


The full code implementation can be found here.

After executing the example implementation above, you will have a signed message using the Wrapped Key that's associated with PKP derived from the provided pkpSessionSigs.