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Version: v2.x.x

Introduction to Decentralized Access Control

Quick Start

Ready to jump right in? Quickly learn how you can integrate decentralized access control into your own product:

  1. Guide: Working with Decentralized Access Control
  2. Guide: Encrypting and Decrypting Content with Lit
  3. Tool: Custom Access Controls Creator
  4. Example: Basic EVM Conditions


Lit Protocol provides developers with a decentralized access control layer that can be used to encrypt content for private and permissioned storage on the open Web. The Lit SDK provides utilities that can be used for encrypting and decrypting content client-side, while access control conditions (ACCs) are used to define who can decrypt and access the locked data.

Lit supports the use of both on and off-chain data when defining access control conditions. Examples include gating against:


  1. Access Control Conditions are compatible with most EVM chains, Cosmos, and Solana. View the full list here.
  2. AND + OR operators (boolean logic) can be used to combine any of the supported conditions listed above.
  3. ACCs may be permanent or updateable.
  4. Storage provider agnostic: use your preferred storage solution, including IPFS, Arweave, Ceramic, or even a centralized provider, like AWS.

Examples and Use Cases

  1. Private data for web3 social
  2. Token-gated video streaming
  3. Encrypted token metadata
  4. Persistent and private data marketplaces
  5. Token-gating access to apps, such as Streamlit