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Version: v2.x.x


You can use Lit to encrypt and store any static content. This could be a file, a string, or anything that won't change. You need to store the content and metadata yourself (on IPFS, Arweave, or even a centralized storage solution), and Lit will store who is allowed to decrypt it and enforce this (aka key management).

Check out the Replit below, which is a full-fledged React application that encrypts & decrypt a file using Lit SDK. For best experience please open the web app in a new tab.

This example will show you how to encrypt and decrypt static data using the Lit JS SDK on the client side.


At the top of your file, instantiate your Lit Node client like so:

const client = new LitJsSdk.LitNodeClient();
const chain = "ethereum";

Create a Lit class and set the litNodeClient.

class Lit {
private litNodeClient

async connect() {
await client.connect()
this.litNodeClient = client

export default new Lit()


Get more info on functions in the API docs.

Steps to Encrypt

  1. Obtain an authSig and create an access control condition.
  2. Encrypt the static content (string, file, etc.) to get the encryptedString, for example.
  3. Use litNodeClient.saveEncryptionKey to tie the accessControlConditions with the symmetricKey we got above. This returns us the encryptedSymmetricKey.
  4. Finally, we have to store the encryptedString & other metadata: encryptedSymmetricKey, accessControlConditions (or other conditions eg: evmContractConditions) and chain. IPFS is generally used to store these values.

Access Control & AuthSig

In this example, we will set the accessControlConditions on if a wallet has at least 0.000001 ETH:

const accessControlConditions = [
contractAddress: "",
standardContractType: "",
chain: "ethereum",
method: "eth_getBalance",
parameters: [":userAddress", "latest"],
returnValueTest: {
comparator: ">=",
value: "1000000000000", // 0.000001 ETH


First, obtain an authSig. This will ask MetaMask to sign a message proving the holder owns the crypto address.

const authSig = await LitJsSdk.checkAndSignAuthMessage({ chain: "ethereum" });

Encrypting Content

  • If you are encrypting a string, use encryptString(). You could also use zipAndEncryptString() if you wanted to zip the string before encrypting it (saves space, but takes time to zip)
  • If you are encrypting a large file (more than 20mb) then you should use encryptFile() because it is fast (a 1gb file only takes 2 seconds to encrypt).
  • If you are encrypting a small file (less than 20mb) then you can use encryptFileAndZipWithMetadata() which will zip the file, and include all metadata in the zip, so you don't have to store anything else. If you want to store the metadata yourself, manually, you can use zipAndEncryptFiles() instead.

In the example, we are using encryptString(). All encryption methods will output the encrypted data and a symmetric key, which can be used to decrypt the data.

const { encryptedString, symmetricKey } = await LitJsSdk.encryptString(
"this is a secret message"

Note: encryptedString will be a Blob and symmetricKey will be a Uint8Array.

Saving the Encrypted Content to the Lit Nodes

Now, we can save the encryption key with the access control condition, which tells Lit Protocol that users that meet this access control condition should be able to decrypt.

const encryptedSymmetricKey = await window.litNodeClient.saveEncryptionKey({

Note: encryptedSymmetricKey will be a Uint8Array.

We now need to save the accessControlConditions, encryptedSymmetricKey, and the encryptedString. accessControlConditions and encryptedSymmetricKey are needed to obtain the decrypted symmetric key, which we can then use to decrypt the encryptedString.

Putting it all together

The encryption function should look like:

async encrypt(message: string) {
if (!this.litNodeClient) {
await this.connect()

const authSig = await LitJsSdk.checkAndSignAuthMessage({ chain })
const { encryptedString, symmetricKey } = await LitJsSdk.encryptString(message)

const encryptedSymmetricKey = await window.litNodeClient.saveEncryptionKey({

return {
encryptedSymmetricKey: LitJsSdk.uint8arrayToString(encryptedSymmetricKey, "base16")


Make sure we have accessControlConditions, encryptedSymmetricKey, and the encryptedString variables we created when encrypting content. An exception is when using encryptFileAndZipWithMetadata() which will include this metadata in the zip.

There are 2 steps:

  1. Obtain the decrypted symmetric key from Lit Protocol using the authSig, accessControlConditions, encryptedSymmetricKey, and chain.
  2. Decrypt the content using the symmetricKey and encryptedString.


First, obtain an authSig from the user. This will ask their MetaMask to sign a message proving they own their crypto address. The chain used here is ethereum.

const authSig = await LitJsSdk.checkAndSignAuthMessage({ chain: "ethereum" });

Obtaining the Decrypted Symmetric Key

In order to obtain the decrypted symmetric key we need to pass in authSig, accessControlConditions, encryptedSymmetricKey, and chain.

const symmetricKey = await window.litNodeClient.getEncryptionKey({
toDecrypt: encryptedSymmetricKey,

Note: symmetricKey will be a Uint8Array.

Obtaining the Decrypted Data

Now, decrypt the content. In the example, we used encryptString() so we will use decryptString() to decrypt. Note that if you used something else to encrypt the content, you will need to use the appropriate decrypt method.

const decryptedString = await LitJsSdk.decryptString(

Putting it all together

The full decryption process should look like:

  async decrypt(encryptedString: string, encryptedSymmetricKey: string) {
if (!this.litNodeClient) {
await this.connect()

const authSig = await LitJsSdk.checkAndSignAuthMessage({ chain })
const symmetricKey = await this.litNodeClient.getEncryptionKey({
toDecrypt: encryptedSymmetricKey,

const decryptedString = await LitJsSdk.decryptString(

return { decryptedString }

How to encrypt & decrypt a file instead?

For encryption use the same function params as above with the string param replaced with a file. For decryption nothing changes. The returned value in that case will be a Uint8Array instead of a string since it's a decrypted file.