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Version: v2.x.x

Example Projects

IPFS x Lit

This is a guide that walks through an application that stores an image on IPFS and encrypts/decrypts that image url using Lit.

Cloudflare x Lit

Ceramic x Lit

Gating dynamic and interactive content inside a React app

This example code shows how to lock an entire React app behind a Lit JWT.

Node JS encryption and decryption of static content. Also a good example of how to use the Lit JS SDK entirely serverside with a Hotwallet.

Minimal JWT verification example to gate dynamic content on a server

This repo is a minimal example to:

  • Mint an NFT (client side)
  • Provision access to a resource (a web url) behind ownership of that NFT (client side)
  • Request a signed JWT from the Lit network to access that resource (client side)
  • Verify the signature on that JWT (server side)

NextJS Minimal JWT Example

This repo is a minimal example to:

  • Provision access to a resource (a web url) behind ownership of that NFT (client side)
  • Request a signed JWT from the Lit network to access that resource (client side)
  • Verify the signature on that JWT (server side)

Below is a Replit project.

Minting HTML NFTs

An example that showcases the ability to mint an HTML NFT with locked content that only the NFT owner can decrypt or see.

Access Control Conditions Modal Example

Lit AuthSig - server side, no access to MetaMask

Access Control List Smart Contract to create an authorization system