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Version: v2.x.x

Conditional Signing

Lit Actions inherit the powerful condition checking that Lit Protocol utilizes for Access Control. This means that you can easily check any on-chain condition inside a Lit Action, which can be useful for generating proofs. This system can be harnessed to uphold the integrity of data on the open web, in its function as a decentralized notary.

The below example will check if the user has at least 1 Wei on Ethereum, only returning a signature if they do.

import * as LitJsSdk from "@lit-protocol/lit-node-client@serrano";

// this code will be run on the node
const litActionCode = `
const go = async () => {
// test an access control condition
const testResult = await Lit.Actions.checkConditions({conditions, authSig, chain})

console.log('testResult', testResult)

// only sign if the access condition is true
if (!testResult){

// this is the string "Hello World" for testing
const toSign = [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100];
// this requests a signature share from the Lit Node
// the signature share will be automatically returned in the HTTP response from the node
const sigShare = await LitActions.signEcdsa({ toSign, publicKey: "0x02e5896d70c1bc4b4844458748fe0f936c7919d7968341e391fb6d82c258192e64", sigName: "sig1" });


// you need an AuthSig to auth with the nodes
// normally you would obtain an AuthSig by calling LitJsSdk.checkAndSignAuthMessage({chain})
const authSig = {
sig: "0x2bdede6164f56a601fc17a8a78327d28b54e87cf3fa20373fca1d73b804566736d76efe2dd79a4627870a50e66e1a9050ca333b6f98d9415d8bca424980611ca1c",
derivedVia: "web3.eth.personal.sign",
"localhost wants you to sign in with your Ethereum account:\n0x9D1a5EC58232A894eBFcB5e466E3075b23101B89\n\nThis is a key for Partiful\n\nURI: https://localhost/login\nVersion: 1\nChain ID: 1\nNonce: 1LF00rraLO4f7ZSIt\nIssued At: 2022-06-03T05:59:09.959Z",
address: "0x9D1a5EC58232A894eBFcB5e466E3075b23101B89",

const runLitAction = async () => {
const litNodeClient = new LitJsSdk.LitNodeClient({
litNetwork: "serrano",
await litNodeClient.connect();
const signatures = await litNodeClient.executeJs({
code: litActionCode,
jsParams: {
conditions: [
conditionType: "evmBasic",
contractAddress: "",
standardContractType: "",
chain: "ethereum",
method: "eth_getBalance",
parameters: [":userAddress", "latest"],
returnValueTest: {
comparator: ">=",
value: "1",
authSig: {
sig: "0x2bdede6164f56a601fc17a8a78327d28b54e87cf3fa20373fca1d73b804566736d76efe2dd79a4627870a50e66e1a9050ca333b6f98d9415d8bca424980611ca1c",
derivedVia: "web3.eth.personal.sign",
"localhost wants you to sign in with your Ethereum account:\n0x9D1a5EC58232A894eBFcB5e466E3075b23101B89\n\nThis is a key for Partiful\n\nURI: https://localhost/login\nVersion: 1\nChain ID: 1\nNonce: 1LF00rraLO4f7ZSIt\nIssued At: 2022-06-03T05:59:09.959Z",
address: "0x9D1a5EC58232A894eBFcB5e466E3075b23101B89",
chain: "ethereum",
console.log("signatures: ", signatures);


Example Project: Conditional Signing

Below is an example project demonstrating how to program a conditionally signed response using Lit Actions.

The app will display the returned JSON if Ether balance >= Min balance entered AND if you signed the transaction within 2 mins of the set time.

Here is the complete React project.