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Version: v2.x.x

Encrypt & Decrypt

Encrypt the Input

Given an input string, we want to encrypt it using the Lit SDK so that only the users authorized by our accessControlCondition should be able to decrypt it.

Let's continue developing our Lit class.

1. Define access control conditions

First, we need to define the accessControlCondition for a user to decrypt our encrypted string:

// Checks if the user has at least 0.1 MATIC
const accessControlConditions = [
contractAddress: "",
standardContractType: "",
method: "eth_getBalance",
parameters: [":userAddress", "latest"],
returnValueTest: {
comparator: ">=",
value: "100000000000000000", // 0.1 MATIC

2. Define an encryption function

Define a function encryptText which encrypts the text argument

  async encryptText(text) {
if (!this.litNodeClient) {
await this.connect(); // Connect to Lit Network if not already

3. Obtain an authsig

Sign using our wallet before encrypting. This will show a MetaMask pop-up which the user signs. For more info, please check out our API docs.

    const authSig = await LitJsSdk.checkAndSignAuthMessage({ chain });

4. Encrypt the string

Finally, let's encrypt our string. This will return a promise containing the encryptedString as a Blob and the symmetricKey used to encrypt it, as a Uint8Array.

For more info, please check out our API docs.

    const { encryptedString, symmetricKey } = await LitJsSdk.encryptString(text);

5. Save encryption key & access control condition

Now, we save the encryption key with the access control condition. Both are needed for Lit to know who should be able to decrypt.

For more info, please check out our API docs.

    const encryptedSymmetricKey = await this.litNodeClient.saveEncryptionKey({
accessControlConditions: accessControlConditions,

return {
encryptedSymmetricKey: LitJsSdk.uint8arrayToString(encryptedSymmetricKey, "base16")
encryptedSymmetricKey is a Uint8Array.

We now need to save accessControlConditions, encryptedSymmetricKey & encryptedString. The accessControlConditions & encryptedSymmetricKey values are needed to obtain the decrypted symmetric key. The decrypted symmetric key is needed to decrypt the encryptedString.

Full encryption code

  async encryptText(text) {
if (!this.litNodeClient) {
await this.connect();
const authSig = await LitJsSdk.checkAndSignAuthMessage({ chain });
const { encryptedString, symmetricKey } = await LitJsSdk.encryptString(text);

const encryptedSymmetricKey = await this.litNodeClient.saveEncryptionKey({
accessControlConditions: accessControlConditions,

return {
encryptedSymmetricKey: LitJsSdk.uint8arrayToString(encryptedSymmetricKey, "base16")

Decrypt the Input

Make sure we have accessControlConditions, encryptedSymmetricKey & encryptedString variables we created when encrypting content. An exception is encryptFileAndZipWithMetadata() which will include this metadata in the zip.

There are 2 steps for decrypting a string:

  • Obtain the decrypted symmetricKey from Lit SDK using authSig, accessControlConditions, encryptedSymmetricKey & chain.
  • Decrypt the content using the symmetricKey & encryptedString.

1. Connect to Lit nodes and obtain an auth signature

Just as before, let's connect to the Lit nodes if not already connected & get the authSig which will be used to decrypt the encrypted string:

  async decryptText(encryptedString, encryptedSymmetricKey) {
if (!this.litNodeClient) {
await this.connect();

const authSig = await LitJsSdk.checkAndSignAuthMessage({ chain });

2. Obtain the symmetric key

As described before, we have to get the symmetricKey using the getEncryptionKey function. More info in the API docs.

    const symmetricKey = await this.litNodeClient.getEncryptionKey({
accessControlConditions: accessControlConditions,
toDecrypt: encryptedSymmetricKey,

3. Decrypt String

Finally, we can get the decrypted string. For more info see the API docs.

    return await LitJsSdk.decryptString(

Full decryption code

  async decryptText(encryptedString, encryptedSymmetricKey) {
if (!this.litNodeClient) {
await this.connect();

const authSig = await LitJsSdk.checkAndSignAuthMessage({ chain });
const symmetricKey = await this.litNodeClient.getEncryptionKey({
accessControlConditions: accessControlConditions,
toDecrypt: encryptedSymmetricKey,

return await LitJsSdk.decryptString(

Where to store encryptedString & encryptedSymmetricKey?

We're going to store these as on-chain NFT metadata. Let's see how next.